One beautiful Friday afternoon, I had guests visiting us in Green Bay. We stopped at a local favorite, the 1935 relic Al’s Hamburgers, for a cheap and filling lunch. The beauty of having visitors even in this time of COVID-19 is their willingness to explore and find things with you that you hadn’t thought to visit before without them. Masks on and ready to find something sweet to help wash down beautiful burgers, my friend Jill directed us to Monzu Bakery and Custom Cakes from her searching of google maps. I drove past it three times, even with my GPS on to help guide me. If I had any idea what I would find inside its walls, I wouldn’t have needed the GPS. I will ALWAYS stop for macarons. I’m so thankful for Jill’s sweet tooth for guiding us to Monzu and fulfilling a deep craving that I’ve had since I was last in Cleveland. A good macaron is hard to find even in the biggest cities, but Green Bay has been blessed with pastry chef Jennifer Bukouricz working some making with almond flour and meringue. As you can see in the pictures I took of my bounty, the foot of the cookie is perfectly formed, and she has managed such lovely decorations on each and every one while maintaining the integrity of the cookie itself.
October 2024