![]() September is the last month for the downtown Burlington Farmer's Market, situated on the third, fourth, and fifth blocks of Jefferson Street. Lining the streets, vendors of all kinds bear squash, berries, peppers, and Iowa sweet corn for the afternoon crowds. Food trucks and vendors dot the landscape of growers and bakers, adding a whole new atmosphere to the farmer's market experience. To skip a Thursday evening farmer's market seems something of a crime. I look forward to it every week even though I rarely purchase produce out of the fear I just won't get to it before it spoils, but I frequent the local bakery stands as often as possible. Stargazer Bakery usually sets up their tent on the fifth block of Jefferson Street, just in front of Uptown Ivy. No matter what week I stop by, she always has her sugar cookies with the pink icing. Something about them just makes them so much different than sugar cookies I can get anywhere else. If I knew what made them so good, that might ruin what makes them so special. The owner, Becca Rhodes, is a sweetheart. She sells her cookies for a dollar each, but if you're lucky, she'll give you an extra so that her kids won't eat up her product! During my various visits, I've seen her pass off cakes to customers who come to the farmer's market to pick up their orders. Her products vary from week to week, but you can always count on those cookies to be there. When the Farmer's Market closes down for the year, you can visit the Stargazer Bakery Facebook page to place special orders via the listed email, or give them a call. I decided to purchase three ears of locally grown corn for my dad's visit to Burlington this weekend, and another vendor had bell peppers at a sale of five peppers for five dollars. Of the produce available, I am far more likely to get through peppers and corn before they spoil in my fridge. Even the peppers that the vendor stated had 'spots' of damage on them looked more delicious than what I could get at the grocery store. It must be something about knowing the produce is grown nearby. The Jefferson Street Farmer's Market runs until the end of September. You can visit local growers, food trucks, crafters, and bakers every Thursday this month from five until seven p.m. Make use of the market while you can. I know I will.
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May 2020